Carleton College Where Minds Roar and Characters Shine
Carleton College is more than just a place of learning. It’s where young minds come alive, eager to explore. Every lesson, every challenge, shapes their character. With the strength and grace reminiscent of a lion, students grow and thrive. Welcome to our unique learning experience.

Our Partners

Das Fit in Deutsch-Zertifikat ist eine international anerkannte Sprachprüfung für junge Lernende, im Alter von 10 bis 16 Jahren. Die Prüfung wird vom Goethe-Institut angeboten und bewertet die Deutschkenntnisse auf den Niveaus A1 und A2 des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens für Sprachen (GER).
Das Zertifikat ist eine großartige Möglichkeit für Schüler, ihre grundlegenden Deutschkenntnisse nachzuweisen. Es konzentriert sich auf praktische Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und bewertet die Fertigkeiten im Lesen, Hören, Schreiben und Sprechen. Der Erwerb dieses Zertifikats kann die Lernenden motivieren, ihre Sprachreise fortzusetzen und ist eine wertvolle Bereicherung für die akademische und persönliche Entwicklung.
Le DELF Junior (Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française) est une certification officielle délivrée par le ministère de l’Éducation nationale français pour évaluer les compétences en français des jeunes de 12 à 17 ans. Adapté aux adolescents, ce diplôme est reconnu à l’international et offre quatre niveaux correspondant au Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les Langues (CECRL) : A1, A2, B1 et B2.
Le DELF Junior est une excellente opportunité pour les élèves de notre école de prouver leur maîtrise du français tout en obtenant un diplôme reconnu mondialement.
Learn coding, python, artificial intelligence (AI), game development, virtual reality (VR) development, augmented reality (AR) development, electronics, Arduino and virtual robotics IN ONE SINGLE TOOL!
Transform your creative visions into digital realities.Your creations are only limited by your imagination!
STEM.org is the longest continually-operating, privately-held STEM education research and credentialing organization in America. Since 2001, its leadership has assisted with key initiatives that have been critical to the overall growth and proliferation of the movement, including early work on the 2005 STEM Congressional Caucus. Its team demonstrates the best in pedagogics / andragogics, supporting the world’s top brands, organizations and thousands of educators globally.

Why Choose Us
A PYP IB authorized school, fully equipped to offer a nurturing and enriching educational environment. Our commitment to the Primary Years Programme ensures a strong foundation for lifelong learning, fostering both academic excellence and personal growth in our students.
IB MYP & IB DP Candidate schools
Carleton College International SCHOOL is a candidate school* for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) & Middle Years Programme (MYP) and pursuing authorization as an IB World School.
Field Experts
Established experts with decades of experience in the educational sector, consistently setting the industry standard as market leaders. Our long-standing reputation is built on a foundation of academic excellence and innovative learning approaches.
Students' Attribute
At Carleton School, character building is a fundamental part of our educational approach. We focus on developing important qualities like honesty, empathy, and resilience to prepare our students for both academic and personal success.
Qualified Teachers
At Carleton School, our qualified teachers are more than just educators; they are mentors committed to nurturing both academic excellence and personal growth in every student, leveraging years of experience and a passion for teaching.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile
The International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile describes a broad range of human capacities and responsibilities that go beyond academic success. The attributes and descriptions provided by the IB learner profile highlight the qualities of internationally-minded individuals.

Address List
- Greenland ElShorouk Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt 11837
- (+20)1112453338 / (+20)1112373338
- admin@carletoncollege.net
- Admission (+20) 1201501318
Social Networks
Links List

Address List
- Greenland ElShorouk Cairo, Cairo Governorate, Egypt 11837
- (+20) 111-245-3338 / (+20) 111-237-3338
- admin@carletoncollege.net
- Admission (+20)1201500294
Social Networks
Egypt Education Platform was established back in 2018 and backed by a diversified group of regional and global institutional investors including EFG Hermes, the Sovereign Fund of Egypt along with a minority stake from GEMS Education Global. The platform is continuing with its expansions in the Egyptian education sector across its different segments.